NOTE: If you order the poster size, your order will be shipped out on the 30th of September. I ran out of paper and the replacement paper isn’t here yet!
Nebula’s siblings didn’t survive very long on this mortal coil. Luckily, the whole family is still able to get together on Halloween to have a great night of trick-or-treating.
…or at least, that’s my interpretation! Tons of people have come up with fascinating stories to explain this picture, from a feline version of the Four Horsemen, to four iterations of a cat’s nine lives. Whatever resonates for you is what works 🙂
$5 – $25
Dates may change, but I hope to be at:
FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention Sep 17 - 19 in Salt Lake City, Utah
Biggest Little Fur Con Oct 29 - Nov 1 in Reno, Nevada