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Even More Conventions

It’s official: I managed to snag a spot at Anthro Weekend Utah! Did NOT expect my waitlist sign-up to accomplish anything, but it did. So I’ll be selling cool furry stuff in July! I’ve been spending time with the Utah furry scene recently and it’s been such a great experience to be around other creative types who love bright and happy cartoon animals. Everyone’s been so kind and supportive.

Speaking of conventions, finally hit my gotta-get-it-printed-or-it-won’t-arrive-in-time deadline for FanX. It’s kind of a relief. Was getting burned out trying to squeeze in a million last-minute designs but now I can stop.

It’s all a little intimidating… at the start of this year I was planning to ease in slow, selling at a single small one-day convention… now I’ve got 3 lined up and probably another one I’m going to sell at in the fall.