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FanX Spring 2019

I was beyond nervous selling at a convention again after 3-ish years of inactivity, but FanX went fantastically! I got in touch with so many amazing creators and was able to catch up with a ton of people.

Sinnfinity and Phix were a huge help in getting the booth set up/taken down and keeping things running while I ran to the bathroom… I am in their eternal debt. We finally figured out how to keep proper inventory while not holding up the customers, and I got tons of tips and am now super motivated to overhaul my booth (I really need one of those backdrops) and try some new techniques next time. Once again it felt like I was losing my voice, but it’s just because I was speaking all day long when I usually don’t!

It surprises me (being an introvert) how much I love selling at conventions. Exhausting, but wonderful. Thank you to everyone who visited, said hi, and bought stuff!